BUY MY ART I AM BROKE by Iris Yung- 12.12.2018 - 10.02.2019
“Art Is Happiness” – Iris Yung
宀 Gallery opens BUY MY ART I AM BROKE on the 12th of December from 7 pm, debuting Hong Kong artist Iris Yung in her first solo exhibition. The exhibition will be presented in full for the Opening and Closing party only, between which time the artworks will be on display during 宀 Club hours.
Iris Yung’s studio, where she works with her partner Polly Chan (founder of the floral shop Pause Rewind n Fast Forward), is on the eighth floor of an industrial building in To Kwa Wan looking over the harbour. The 23-year-old artist began tattooing one year ago as a means of earning a living from her passion. Covered neck to toe in tattoos herself, Iris sees the body as a canvas and another vehicle for her expression. Her tattoo design is becoming increasingly popular through its references to the great modernists such as Magritte, Dali, Kandinsky and Duchamp. She always wanted to be an artist, after dropping out of high school she drove her own education through movies, books and Wikipedia. For Iris everything is art and everything should be art, art should be open to all, on the streets and within the communities, its value should not be financial but emotional.
The drawings selected for BUY MY ART I AM BROKE were originally designed as tattoos. Several works were inspired by stills from Hong Kong movies such as In the Mood For Love and Chungking Express by renowned director Wong Kar-wai. The simple line work depicts various figures captured in moments of introspection while contemplating the self as other or the self with other. Together the artworks tell a story about emotional desire and the search for identity in a somewhat spiritually constricting city.
Despite the harsh creative conditions in Hong Kong, Iris Yung has made herself a space to realise her imagination. 宀 Gallery is proud to provide a platform for this flourishing young artist who is persistent through the many challenges of our commercially driven city. Iris is quietly outspoken, without arrogance or ego, she is forging a new path to live through expression.
本地藝術家Iris Yung首次個人畫展「BUY MY ART I AM BROKE」將於本月十二晚上七時日在宀畫廊開幕。開幕日及閉幕日畫將會展出全數作品,期間將會於宀夜店開放時間展出。
是次「BUY MY ART I AM BROKE」的作品原是Iris的紋身設計。啟發自王家衛本地電影如「花樣年華」和「重慶森林」,以簡約的線條補捉劇照中的細膩沉澱之情,訴說在大都市裡潛藏的慾望和自我定位。